meet our horses

Amaretta has been with us since the beginning. She is full of character and enjoys exploring the countryside. She is super safe and loves to have fun with her rider.

Azara is a kind and gentle horse, who will always look after novice riders. She is Andalucian and very popular with young children as she looks like Spirit.

Chilli, hence the name, is very fiery. We are yet to find someone to train her :) At the moment she is a good companion for our new arrivals.

Freddie is one of our youngest horses and is loving our mountain rides. He is a pure Andalucian suited to more experienced riders.

Gina is half Spanish half Lusitana. She was born at our farm, loves to show off in the arena and is very clever.

Helios is our latest arrival and a happy chap. He is our newest project, showing potential to be a super dressage horse.

Katie is the perfect horse for riders of all levels. She was rescued from Ireland and is now one of the happiest horses we have ever met.

Rocky is a super fun horse for the more experienced rider.
He is the perfect alrounder and has a passion for jumping.

Lilly, half Andalusian half Arab, was our first ever rescue. She is the happiest, sweetest, fun-loving little horse. Sure footed as a mountain goat, she is an absolute gem.

Stan, originally from Minorca, is a very jolly, handsome horse who loves to lead the way on our mountain trails He has a lovely personality and is suitable for all levels.